If you lot want to observe out how to transform any ordinary movie into a masterpiece of digital editing and don't know where to start, these cool Photoshop tutorials for beginners are the style to go. We picked the most useful tutorials for basic Photoshop tools and functions that will assistance you learn how to edit photos in Photoshop stride past step. In these tutorials, you will also find some useful beginner Photoshop projects you can go through to practice your newly developed skills! Without further ado, hither's our list of the 10 coolest gratis Photoshop tutorials for beginners.

i. Photoshop 101 – The Female parent of Absurd Photoshop Tutorials

Although it's kind of outdated, Photoshop 101 is a slap-up way to first learning the basics of Photoshop. The starter pack costs around $50.00, and it is literally brimming with tons of informative materials.

With Photoshop 101 yous will learn:

  • The ABCs of optimizing Photoshop in club to cope with your device;
  • How to work with Photoshop's various tools such as layers, masks, channels;
  • How to alter a certain aspect of your pictures;
  • How to change colors;
  • How you tin saturate or desaturate certain areas of the motion picture to improve it.

In our opinion, Photoshop 101 deserves its place among our cool Photoshop tutorials, and it'due south the easiest way to master the nuts of this great picture show post-processing software. Definitely one of the best collections of free Photoshop tutorials for beginners.

12 Cool Photoshop Tutorials for Beginners

2. Photoshop CC Essential Tutorials & Grooming

Another awesome way to kickstart your Photoshop skills is CC Essentials, courtesy of Lynda.com, which is probably the biggest thespian on the tutorial market. With this cool step-by-step tutorial, y'all volition larn how to master the basics, such as working with layers and masks. Furthermore, discover how to employ advanced post-processing features such as alloy modes, smart objects and how to brand fine adjustments to layers.

Apart from the standard Photoshop tutorial, the CC Essential Tutorials & Training pack besides contains instructions on how to work with other software from Adobe's pallet, such equally Adobe Bridge and even Camera Raw. Overall, Lynda's Photoshop CC Tutorials & Training will teach you to perform the following actions in Photoshop.

  • Using Review way to filter out rejected images;
  • Using smart collections;
  • The deviation betwixt RAW and JPEG files;
  • Toggling on-screen shadow or highlight clipping warnings;
  • Revealing subconscious shadow detail;
  • Correcting lens distortion;
  • Sharpening details;
  • Calculation a radial gradient;
  • Using cropping techniques;
  • Using the Refine Edge tools;
  • Additional tips for beginners.
12 Cool Photoshop Tutorials for Beginners

3. Surreal Photoshop Tutorial

Practice you consider yourself a follower of the surrealistic school of art? And so with this Photoshop tutorial, you can transform your pictures, or any photograph for that affair, into something that even Dali would be proud of.

This swell Photoshop tutorial was created past the renowned artist Marius Karasiewicz. It includes comprehensive tips on how to add together that certain surrealistic touches to each and every picture. In this tutorial, you volition acquire how you tin mash up dissimilar types of backgrounds like a desert, deject, and heaven with various natural patterns and designs. It's 1 of the best Photoshop tutorials for beginners as it goes through:

  • How to use layers;
  • How to use groups;
  • How to adjust lighting and shadows to create a shine transition from one element to another.

If you lot're interested in tracing the footsteps of surrealistic masters such equally Dali, Marcel Duchamp, Max Ernst, or Andre Breton, you can acquire how to create a surrealist mural photograph manipulation.

four. Photoshop Tutorial Shortcuts

Moving on with our cool free Photoshop tutorials for beginners, we accept the  Photoshop Tutorial shortcuts that increase your productivity by showing you the major hotkeys which you can utilise in order to perform diverse deportment.

Note that the Photoshop Tutorial Shortcuts is designed to conform both Mac and PC versions of the software. All the same, apart from describing the nigh important keyboard shortcuts, this software does non have any pace-past-step instructions regarding the ABC of Photoshop. But it'south withal one useful tool to accept around, peculiarly when you lot're fed upward with having to click on multiple icons.

5. How to Fix Nighttime Shadows in Photoshop

Next in line on our top list of cool Photoshop tutorials is the "How to Set up Dark Shadows in Photoshop" education material which volition assist you get rid of some of those dark areas that can ruin the aspect of your pictures.

In this tutorial, you will learn:

  • How to employ the shadows/highlights options equally opposed to the more destructive curves selection;
  • How to work with diverse shadow effects;
  • How to work dark areas in a photo.

More than enticing is the fact that this tutorial is free to use, and for your convenience, all the essential information was gathered in the course of 6-infinitesimal YouTube video.

Click on the link below to become started on your dark shadow set tutorial – an essential office of learning Photoshop and, therefore, 1 of the essential Photoshop tutorials for beginners.

vi. How to Add Special Effects in Photoshop

Thinking of sprucing upward your irksome photographs, but you don't know how to do it? Then you should definitely consider taking a gander at the "How to Add together Special Effects in Photoshop" tutorial, courtesy of the PHLearn team.

In this comprehensive video and text tutorial, you will learn the post-obit tricks:

  • How layering works in blending mode;
  • Using stacks and scripts;
  • Masking certain areas of the picture show;
  • Calculation blurs and pops of light;
  • Transform and duplicate layers;
  • How to use the levels adjustment option to your advantage;
  • How to eliminate night and mid tone.

7. How to Remove Glare from Glasses in Photoshop

An absolute essential on our cool Photoshop tutorials listing. Sometimes, equally a photographer, you will likewise be appointed with creating professional person portraits. Notwithstanding, this doesn't have to discourage you from making art out of snapping portraits.

Probably the nightmare of every lensman who uses photo post-processing software is to eliminate those pesky glares from glasses. Fortunately, Photoshop has all the tools you'll need in club to get the perfect glare-free picture and this step-by-step tutorial volition teach you how to do it.

In this Photoshop education material, you will acquire everything about removing reflections from glasses, which includes:

  • Working with clone stamp settings;
  • Tweaking opacity levels;
  • Tweaking menses levels;
  • Using the sample: current and below option;
  • Using the Clone Source dialogue options;
  • Flipping the pic's width.

Check out one of the best and piece of cake to follow Photoshop tutorials for beginners here:

viii. How to Employ Lens Flares in Photoshop

This Photoshop tutorial aims to answer the question of when and how to use lens flares to enhance a photo. With this tutorial, yous volition acquire:

  • How to add spectacular lens flares to your photos;
  • How to make the light work to your reward;
  • How to create new layers;
  • How to work with filters;
  • How to alter hue and saturation;
  • How to work with the Gaussian mistiness.

To learn all about lens flares in Photoshop, please click on the provided YouTube prune.

9. How to Heighten the Quality of a Photograph with Curves

Are y'all fed upwardly with your photos looking and then deadening? Then why not spruce them upwards a bit using some curves and shades? This comprehensive twenty-minute video tutorial will show you how easy it is to turn a tiresome picture into something new and totally unexpected.

However, nosotros practise have to remind y'all that working with curves and depths is a little fleck tricky, so be sure you got the basics of Photoshop before taking a fissure at this one.

Recommended read: Debunking the Myth of Kirlian Photography !

10. How to take Advantage of Watercolor in Photoshop

The advantage of using watercolor is that your pictures volition wait alive and more vibrant. Use Photoshop's special watercolor art tools in order to transform your plain picture in a live expression of your inner self. In this tutorial you will learn how to principal the following tools:

  • Applying textures;
  • Cutting different areas;
  • Use splatter brushes;
  • Using smart images and stock photos;
  • Layering stock images.

If y'all desire to learn more well-nigh watercolor, then we encourage you to check out this tutorial from PhotoshopTutorials.ws.

11. How to Use the Photoshop Type Tool

This little tutorial from TutPlus goes through the basics of using the Photoshop type tool to create stunning posters, cards, and designs:

  • Useful shortcuts for the Photoshop type tool;
  • How and why to create a Photoshop blazon layer;
  • How to resize and add visual furnishings to the text box;
  • How to add together special characters to the text box;
  • How to create special effects within a text box.

After completing this tutorial, y'all will be able to add intricate pieces of text to your designs with proper alignment and creative text decorations.

12. How to Use the Photoshop Choice Tools

If y'all want to create complex designs which comprise multiple elements from different image files, this tutorial past Simon Hubbert is a must read.  It covers:

  • The basics of multiple Photoshop choice tools;
  • How to use the Marquee tools like the rectangle, elliptical, single row, and single column tools;
  • How to utilize the Lasso tools, the magic wand, the pen, colour range, and layer mask tools.

Not simply does this tutorial become through every selection tool available and tells you how information technology works, information technology also uses visual examples to show y'all how to best use it. It's definitely i of the best Photoshop tutorials for beginners you could endeavour for free!


This is where our listing of cool Photoshop tutorials ends. As a parting notation, we want to paraphrase Ansel Adams who said that a photographer doesn't accept pictures, he makes them and sometimes, this creative process sprouts from the most implausible circumstances. Practice you know other tutorials that would fit this listing?